Innovations AP / - Shanmukha Rao

A Vessel Washing Machine and a shade for Agricultural Workers


Shanmukha Rao





























“PalleSrujna” readers already familiar with InnovatorRepalleShanmukha Rao through the 2013 July – August article on his most acknowledged and popular design on pollution-free electricity production. Without taking a step back, ShanmukhaRao has geared up for another two innovations. Belonging to Kambalapalli village of Mahabubabad district,  Telanganahis primary occupation is welding. He runs a small welding shop in his village. During leisure time, he used to think about various innovations that might help society in the reduction of labour, increased comfort and less expenditure. Two of his innovations are given below.

Vessel Washing Machine

In every house, most of the time and energy of any house wife is consumed in cleaning and washing kitchen vessels. Cooking is an easier task but to clean the vessels after cooking can drain the energy of the person. Now-a-days there are a lot of cleaning powders, bars, liquids etc. but in the past the vessels used to be cleaned using wood ash or rice husk. With the advancement in technology, there is dish-washing machine but not at the cost at which a common man can afford.
      Taking all these into consideration, ShanmukhaRao has designed this machine which is cost effective with minimal water and soap wastage. The dish-washing machines designed in the foreign countries are not suitable to the type of food we eat as our food contains oil, masala and other ingredients which require a lot of effort to wash. These foreign machines range from 20,000 rupees to 50,000 depending on the level sophistication.  These machines cannot clean our vessels in which our local dishes are cooked.
ShanmukhaRao observed the limitations of these foreign machines, the financial constraints of common people to buy these machines, the requirement of the style of machine for our Indian food and the wastage of water and soap for his design. Since the complete apparatus is made of stainless steel, the cost drops down to 5000/-. He also mentioned that if we design the same equipment with plastic the cost will reduce even more.
       This machine will clean any kind of oil stains or grease off the vessels with minimal consumption of electricity, water and soap, thus making the job easier for all women who struggle to do this daily chore.


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