Innovations AP / Vikram Rathod




Mr Vikram Rathod (38) has studied only up to 5th class. His ancestors have migrated from Rajasthan and settled down in the northern district of Andhra Pradesh. He owns four acres of land and grows cotton. Once he has sown paddy. Due to lack water, it has dried up. He doesn’t own Electric or Diesel pump. He couldn’t afford one. He bought an old bicycle and attached it to motor with a number of belts and pulleys. Once the cycle is pedaled, the pump stated working and the water was pumped into the fields. In a remote location where there is no power, this idea is a great sustainable device for irrigating fields. The Innovator was honoured by President of India in 2003 for his outstanding innovation which helped his tribal community.


Vikram Rathod

  Narsapur Post,  
  Mandal. Utnoor  
  Dist. Adilabad. A.P  

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